In terms of importance for any advertising campaign, the selection of the correct target filters can never be underestimated. Along with the design of the creative, making sure that you have selected the right target filters will be the difference between a successful or a failed campaign. The guide below is designed to make sure that you optimize your campaign fully by making use of the different targeting filters available at Traffic Factory.

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Target Filters Available

To begin, the target filters made available are targeting by Country (Geo), by Device and then by Category. 

Country (Geo)

Upon reaching the ADD TARGET section when creating your campaign, the first target for selection deals with the location. On offer are the 7 different continents which are then broken down into the individual countries within the continent. As shown, North America comprises a multitude of countries but you may not wish to target all of these. Individual countries can be selected making sure that the right audience views your advertisement.

The development team at Traffic Factory has also mastered a GEO-FENCE targeting option. This feature is specifically for local offers and allows an advertiser to select a particular city/ area and create a bounding circle of up to 50km. By setting this option, advertisers will have their campaigns shown to the audience within that particular area. Particularly successful for set- specific promotions where jurisdictions differ from one city/ state to another, this guarantees the advertiser that their promotion will only be viewed by the desired audience within the specific locality promoted. Please note that this option is not automatically setup on all accounts. Please contact your Account Manager to discuss the implementation of this option.


The second targeting option made available deals with the type of device to be targeted. Our publishers’ websites are viewed via a multitude of different Internet capable devices. The three main device types to target are DESKTOP, TABLET and MOBILE. Please note that Traffic Factory also allows the targeting of FEATURE PHONES (Internet capable telephones inferior to smart-phones) This option will not be set in the targeted devices as we do not allow filtering of countries for feature phone. If you are interested in purchasing the entire Traffic Factory feature Phone traffic inventory, please contact your Account Manager for further explanations.

Over time, access to the Internet has evolved purely the use of a desktop computer. The implementation of 4G networks and with Wi-Fi now readily available throughout the world, consumer patterns have changed with a dramatic rise of users accessing content from the comfort of their smart-phones. Current network statistics show the following breakdown of users preference of device types:

Knowing your target audience’s device preference will be imperative to make sure your advertisement is served correctly. It is also important to take into account that devices have different ad spots. Make sure to create the correct creative available for the particular device type! Below is a reminder of Traffic Factory’s ad spot inventory by device.


Precise category targeting is made available to directly target your audience via their choice of content chosen. Broken down into three separate main categories, certain sub-categories are then made available for choice in order to target with pin-point precision the taste of your audience.

By selecting the relevant categories of choice, the advertiser’s campaign(s) will only be made visible to users interested in a particular category of content.


  • Know your target audience! Without knowledge of the habits and internet consumption of your audience, your campaign will go nowhere! Research, revise, question your target audience. The better knowledge you have, the better choice of the right target filters will become apparent.
  • Test different devices! Indeed, a majority of users are accessing the internet via the use of their smart-phones (80% here at Traffic Factory) But this does not mean that you should solely target these devices! Research the habits of different demographics. Your promotion may be more suitable for the user accustomed to desktop or tablet usage from the comfort of their homes. Put yourself in their shoes (Not literally!) Think logically!
  • Select precise target filter combinations! Be as precise as possible with your selection. The more concise a filter, the better chance of conversion of your offer as your campaign will be seen by your ideal audience.

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