After a short break over the Summer months, we are back to advise our beloved advertisers of the current Spot Opportunities that you may not have taken advantage of. Indeed our fresh algorithm has now been running for close to 3 months with many changes to take into account.


What is a “Spot Opportunity”?

Traffic Factory’s definition is an ad spot which potentially receives vast levels of traffic but currently has the least amount of competition. This is a combination of several factors – country, device and ad spot.

Each ad spot has a minimum bid price but the amount that you bid determines the position you obtain. Based on the principles of supply and demand, fluctuations in pricing differ due to the level of competition between advertisers for an ad spot.

So, for the run up to All Hallows , what do we have to offer?


Current Traffic Factory Spot Opportunities
















A real mix of different countries to target with some frighteningly superb ad spots to take advantage of.


The POP-UNDER ad spot is one of the most in demand spots available across our network for all countries; so to find 2 countries with such an ad spot opportunity is rare to say the very least. It is no secret that BRAZIL is one of the largest sources of traffic for the Traffic Factory network. Add to this that Brazil currently holds one of the world’s strongest emerging economies, if your promotion is right then this could potentially be an advertiser’s goldmine.

ITALY currently offers advertisers an excellent reach to a lucrative audience via the same POP-UNDER ad spot. Indeed, Italy’s economy had its tough moments in the last decade (Who didn’t?) but the Italians are again starting to show us all a smile with an increase in their financial potential and a 10% increase of traffic on our network.


PROXY traffic is starting to become an advertisers favourite geo to target since its introduction to our network during the 2nd quarter of 2019. Many advertisers feel that this ad spot is of no relevance due to the VPN nature of this worldwide traffic. Indeed, certain blacklisted countries access the network via the use of different VPNs but in today’s security conscious society, more and more users are systematically using VPN services for all their internet usage. The MOBILE RECTANGLE is arguably one of the networks strongest and most converting ad spots so be sure to run tests and prepare to be happily surprised byt the results that will follow!


The NATIVE ad spot was introduced early in 2019 and has continuously grown to become an advertisers “go-to” spot. To many, EGYPT could potentially be a surprise addition but trust us when we say that the traffic levels are HUGE… The minimum bids for this geo are low for all advertisers whatever their budget. With an average of over 13million daily native impressions for Egypt, you the advertiser are losing money by not investing on this geo.


Finally, GERMANY and the SQUARE ad spot currently holds an excellent opportunity for the Deutsche speaking advertiser. There is absolutely no need to reiterate the strength of the German economy nor the financial capabilities that the average GERMAN resident holds. The SQUARE ad spot is highly visible, being located just to the right to the users viewing content and dictates a significantly successful CTR. If your promotion holds a high conversion rate and is geared towards the DEUTSCHE market, then think no further as this will be perfect to gain potentially lucrative commissions and sales.


Are you looking for a particular geo and a particular ad spot? Or do you want further information to gain an insight into the possibilities of running a campaign in a particular country? Make the most of the knowledge held by our WORLDWIDE Account Managers and be sure to reach out to them to get that advantage over the competition. 

Make Money Investing in the Brazilian Market with Traffic Factory

The digital affiliate market in Brazil has been growing exponentially. Many affiliates advertise on Facebook, Instagram, Google, Taboola and other mainstream platforms. However, the adult digital market in Brazil is also growing. Many new advertisers are coming daily from mainstream platforms and are getting excited about the low prices of adult traffic, the ease of using our network and the freedom to advertise. Therefore, we see the need to talk directly to you – the Brazilian advertiser. 

If you fit the mainstream, affiliate, or advertiser profile; this article is for you! It is also for the new affiliate, media buyer, and direct advertiser who wants to take advantage of the industry’s best traffic. Furthermore, Brazil is one of our top countries and we know how much our main site is the nation’s favorite… Or will you say you have never heard of ?!

Let's go!

Traffic Factory introduces a 100% self-service Real Time Bidding (RTB) platform where you control your budget, create your campaigns, and much more. We are the advertising representative of and other leading publishers. You will have a Brazilian account manager, so you don’t have to rush to google translate or struggle to remember your English classes.



To begin with, in our network, we accept a diverse array of offers and advertisers. Of course we filter who and what offers we accept on our platform, as well as review all our ads. Maintaining a quality user experience is our top priority. It is this dedication to quality that makes us famous for having the best traffic in the industry and being the best emerging company according to 😉


We are always open to discuss news in the market and devise solutions to reach your target audience. That is why it’s so important to follow your account manager’s instructions. This will ensure you have competitive positioning and achieve the long-awaited positive ROI.


As a new affiliate or seasoned advertiser, it is important to establish clear and concise communication with your account manager. Your success is our biggest goal.


There is a lot to discuss when it comes to the most relevant ad formats for your ads. We provide the opportunity for different spots to best suit your needs (Square NTV, Horizontal, Footer & Header, Native and Popunders). We currently work with CPC (cost per click – you only pay when a user clicks on your ad) and CPM (cost per thousand – you pay for every thousand times) – here on our blog you can read a series of articles about CPC and CPM. This will help you to ensure you make the best decision of which to choose between .




For our targeting and optimization tools (both CPC and CPM) our platform has targeting by country, device, time, video categories and more. We also feature an amazing tool for local advertisers – geofence maps, where you can choose which area you want to target within 50km. As a Real Time Bidding (RTB) network we want everyone to be able to advertise on our network fairly.


All banner ads, videos and popunders take up to 24 hours to be reviewed.

Now let's go to spending!

We are a prepaid platform, and initial deposit amounts vary by country. For Brazil, you start on our network with an initial deposit of just $ 100.

We have minimum bids by country and device. We don’t limit daily and total spend for your campaigns. However, whether you are a seasoned advertiser or not, you know that in the online advertising market you need to invest, collect data, optimize, and invest again. This is a cycle that repeats until you find a positive and satisfactory ROI. For example, with a maximum spend rate of just $5 you can’t collect enough data or competitive positioning to analyze the quality of our traffic. The same goes for bids (CPC or CPM). When you notice the value of minimal bids I’m sure you will get excited, but calm down. Remember, at the beginning of this article I told you that the market in Brazil is growing, so you can expect competition within your targets. Remember, we work with real-time bidding which means that all day long, there are people “fighting” for good placement and the best traffic available, so be certain you have a bid that is competitive. You can always contact your account manager for more tips, review your campaign with you, and guide you along the way.

We accept PayPal, Wire Transfer (international transfer), Paxum and Vendo (credit card) to enable you to add credit to your account.

Sign up at Traffic Factory now or contact me on Skype wg.trafficf.mlira and I can help you to be successful on our network. 


Did you like this article? Would you like to have other subjects related to the Brazilian market presented here? Let us know and we will do our best to make you clearly understand our network and the constantly growing and challenging Brazilian market.

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今天我們希望和大家聊一下Traffic Factory的廣告表現是如何衡量的:

在廣告系列頁面的投放目標裡面, “競價效率(Bid efficiency)” 這個部分有評估廣告效果的主要指標, 這裡有三個數據:

1. Estimated daily impression (預計每日曝光數) 表示假設系統內所有廣告主的出價保持不變, 每天您將獲得多少廣告展示次數, 假設您的投放地區為美國, 投放設備為Desktop, 預計每日曝光數可能顯示為Est. daily imp: 10,000;

2. Yesterday’s impression (昨日曝光數)表示您在昨天收到的展示次數(例如昨日曝光數會顯示為Yesterday’s imp. : 12,000);

3. 市場佔有率的百分比, 例如會顯示為:
Pos 1 : 0.50 %
Pos 2 : 0.50 %
Pos 3 : 1.00 %
Pos 4+ : 98.00 %

這裡是衡量廣告表現是最重要的數據, 它表示您在每個廣告排位的市場佔有率, 例如, 對於排名第一位的廣告位(第一個在發行網站上展示出來的廣告位置), 您的市場佔有率是0.50%; 對於排名第4和之後的廣告位, 市場佔有率是98.00%;

在此情況下, 只有一小部分廣告展示到了排名前三的位置, 絕大部分廣告是在第4之後展示出來的, 所以競價的競爭力不足,廣告展示靠後;通常來說, 訪客會更傾向於點擊排名靠前展示的廣告素材, 如果廣告展示靠後, 流量的質量和轉化率會降低;

通過提高出價,您可以增加排名前3位的市場份額, 讓您的廣告更靠前展示並獲得更多流量。

另外,如果您在投放目標上單擊 “統計數據 ”按鈕,會進入一個新的頁面, 在這裡您可以看到廣告平均排名的歷史數據, 您可以利用這些數據分析廣告的表現。例如在前一天, 您的平均排名在是8.00, 這表示當一個用戶在訪問發行網站時, 平均會在第8個位置看到您的廣告, 如果一個用戶已經看到了8個以上的廣告,用戶有可能不會再點擊您的廣告,這會降低您的轉化率。我們建議調整出價,使廣告更多地展示在前面。

如果您有任何疑問, 歡迎與我們取得聯繫。
Traffic Factory團隊

Traffic Factory – Coming to a Tradeshow near you in 2019

traffic factory - trade show Internext - lalexpo

We may only be a couple of days into 2019 but at Traffic Factory, we are already in 5th gear!

We are adamant that 2019 will be an even greater year than the previous and if 2018 was anything to go by; exciting times are most definitely ahead!

One of Traffic Factory’s strengths is our vast network of market-leading publishers with over 6 billion daily impressions and 200million+ quality, daily visitors!

If you add to this our self-serve and user-friendly platform, a truly winning combination has been created.

Our extensive team of Account Managers are spread across the globe and are present for all our worldwide clients in their desired language.

Our aim in 2019 is to meet as many of our clients as possible to solidify our already strong relations but to offer you a chance to meet us face to face and discuss how Traffic Factory will take your promotions to the next level!

Tradeshow Season

Tradeshow season is upon us and we remind you that we shall be present at two of the industry’s most important and prestigious shows.

Internext Expo, Las Vegas – U.S.A

To begin, from 22-25th January, a host of our Account Managers will be present at the ever important Internext Tradeshow being hosted at the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Feel free to come and meet us in Conference Room #3D where we will be more than happy to demonstrate and explain our new platform features and how Traffic Factory will aid you in your promotions.

There is no excuse for not meeting us as we are the proud Platinum sponsors of the Meet Market event hosted in the early evening of the 23rd January, located in the Festival Hall

Lalexpo, Cali – Colombia

There will be no time to rest as we will also be making an appearance at the Lalexpo Tradeshow in the beautiful surroundings of Cali, Colombia from the 17-20th February. We are very much excited by the prospect of meeting our already established LATAM clients and being able to discuss with them how business will progress going forward in 2019 with Traffic Factory.

Our Account Managers will be surely very busy during these shows so book your meeting early to avoid any disappointment!

Traffic Factory – Payment Solutions

traffic factory - Payment method

Being the world’s premium ad network, the need to cater to our worldwide clients requires constant adaptation. The need for precise, safe and international performing payment solutions is not to be underestimated. We understand that from country to country, financial rules and obligations differ. But certain payment factors are common to our extensive worldwide clientele:

  • Safe and reliable payment solutions.
  • Reduced time delays between the payment and crediting of your Traffic Factory account.
  • Low/ reduced payment handling fees.
  • The ease of use of a payment solution/ processor.

Payment Solutions available

Traffic Factory currently offers a selection of different payment solutions to credit your account:

  • Paxum
  • Wire Transfer
  • Vendo

As previously mentioned, certain factors such as safety, rapidity, low processing fees and ease of use are common to our solutions but how do they differ from each other.

The table below shows the different methods currently used, their delays in payment reception and their fees:

Upon making reference to the table above, the various different methods have been installed in order to cater to our worldwide clientele.


Paxum offers instantaneous payments to fellow Paxum clients and at the unbelievable rate of $1 (Yes, it’s not a typo… it truly is $1 – the price of a McDonalds Cheeseburger)

An account has to be created with a validation through security and documentation. Paxum accounts can be credited and then easily debited to top-up your Traffic Factory balance.

Wire Transfers

The oldest method of payment available remains Wire Transfers. Low payment processing fees and highly secured transactions remain its focal point whilst time delays will vary. Generally speaking, we advise our clients to use this method of payment with prior anticipation needed. The delays will range from 1-5 business days (Monday-Friday) but can exceed this timescale during busy periods. European based clients should note that this form of payment incurs virtually no charges!


Instantaneous and predominantly used for credit card payments by many of our clients, Vendo claims to be “THE AI BILLER”Account setup is required in a similar manner to Paxum and Paypal. Growing in stature as a preferred method of payment by our advertisers, this method of payment is not automatically offered to all advertisers. To enable this method of payment, please contact your Account Manager for further details.



  • Like with your advertising campaign budget, make sure to calculate the cost of deposits from each of these providers. Small and quick transactions will not occur large processing fees but if depositing large sums – it is imperative that this is taken into account for your global advertising budget.
  • Prior planning and anticipation are paramount for the savvy advertiser out there. Traffic Factory allows you to be notified by email once your account balance reaches a certain threshold. This is customizable in your account. Make use of this to plan ahead if you wish to use a method of payment such as wire transfers. We can’t stress enough the importance of this as we regularly receive a Friday rush of panicking advertisers who have overlooked their budgets until it’s too late!

Still undecided or require further information? Don’t worry, your Account Manager will be more than happy to help and advise you on the best method for your particular situation!


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No rest allowed for the team at Traffic Factory with the summer month of August proving to be particularly busy and rich in tradeshows.

No sooner has the Cammunity show in Hollywood ended, we will be sending another group of account managers up to Montreal to partake in the excellence that is QWEBEC over the course of the 6th-9th August.

An intimate show that will actually be celebrating its 16th anniversary, it is known for its solid business networking with the very top decision-makers of the industry being in attendance.

Traffic Factory will be represented by both Mayara and Romain from our American team who will be more than glad to demonstrate again why we are known as the Premium advertising network for our market.

Make sure to book them early and they will be more than happy to demonstrate our features and are brand new market-leading methods which bring satisfaction to thousands over advertisers worldwide!


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As part of our 2019 world tour, we are pleased to announce our forthcoming attendance at the annual CAMMUNITY tradeshow hosted by the good guys over at YNOT.

A packed show, full of the industry’s finest professionals which is bound to prove both interesting and a great source of networking for all matters dealing with the cam community.

We are proud to announce our participation with members of the Traffic Factory team being available to both inform and demonstrate why we are considered the world’s premium advertising network.

The show will be hosted in the glamorous surroundings of Hollywood over the course of the 5th-7th August so make sure to get yourselves over if you are lucky enough to be in the area.

Our account managers are sure to be busy so make sure to book an appointment with them early via the links below.

Both Takanori and Yatin will be available so let them explain to you how to get that much-deserved traffic over to your promotions and we are adamant that you will not be disappointed.

Book them early, they are sure to be in high demand!


traffic factory - Spots opportunities june

Continuing on from last month’s selection of Spot Opportunities, the month of June has seen a vast rise of traffic for many ad spots.

Last month’s placements included a host of Tier 1 countries (France, Germany and Italy) with the inclusion of two Tier 2 countries (Japan and Vietnam)

Congratulations to the lucky advertisers who got onboard quickly to take advantage of these spots; significant success was reported back to our Account Manager team.

For those you may have missed last month’s article, here’s a recap of what we consider a Spot Opportunity at Traffic Factory.

What is a “Spot Opportunity”?

Traffic Factory’s definition is an ad spot which potentially receives vast levels of traffic but currently has the least amount of competition. This is a combination of several factors – country, device and ad spot.

Each ad spot has a minimum bid price but the amount that you bid determines the position you obtain. Based on the principles of supply and demand, fluctuations in pricing differ due to the level of competition between advertisers for an ad spot.

So, for the month of June, what do we have to offer?

Current Traffic Factory Spot Opportunities




Similar to last months opportunities, the above results again prove surprising with two Tier-1 countries featured.
It is rare to find a spot opportunity in the Spanish market due to the consistently high levels of advertisers targeting. Do not miss this opportunity to create your advertising campaigns! The square desktop ad spot is visible and we guarantee that you will see the quality of the traffic.
The horizontal desktop spot, for France, is another well-positioned option. We remind our advertisers that this is a good option for the budget-minded CPC advertiser looking for precise clicks and an on-going promotion.
The three Tier-2 countries, Brazil, China and Japan, need no introduction.
Both Brazil and China allow advertisers to target increasingly large populations with high and steady traffic. Financially, both of these countries are from the emerging BRIC countries, with Brazil being a particularly strong source of traffic for our publishers.
Brazil features the footer mobile ad spot as an opportunity so again, the budget conscious CPC based advertiser should jump on this opportunity. But make sure that your creatives are catered to the Brazilian market, the use of Portuguese is a necessity.
Both Japan and China have fantastic opportunities for the desktop square ad spot & native. We remind advertisers of their prominent position beside the users’ video content. Make use of strong and attractive creatives to allow your promotion to stand out. We also remind advertisers to adapt creatives for those particular markets. Language and cultures should be respected.
Make sure to take advantage of these opportunities and to test out markets/ audiences which you would possibly not have entertained in the past.
We guarantee that the results will prove surprising. 


The annual AW Conference in Barcelona is now only a few short weeks away!

Luckily for those attending, Traffic Factory will be present to demonstrate the benefits of our extensive network and how our traffic can launch your promotions to the next level!

But remember, the conferences last for a short time (8th-11th July) and our team are sure to be busy!

Avoid disappointment and book your meeting with our Account Managers early!

To book a slot, follow the YouCanBookMe links below for the corresponding Account Managers:


How to Set the Right Target Filters

traffic factory - targeting filters

In terms of importance for any advertising campaign, the selection of the correct target filters can never be underestimated. Along with the design of the creative, making sure that you have selected the right target filters will be the difference between a successful or a failed campaign. The guide below is designed to make sure that you optimize your campaign fully by making use of the different targeting filters available at Traffic Factory.

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Target Filters Available

To begin, the target filters made available are targeting by Country (Geo), by Device and then by Category. 

Country (Geo)

Upon reaching the ADD TARGET section when creating your campaign, the first target for selection deals with the location. On offer are the 7 different continents which are then broken down into the individual countries within the continent. As shown, North America comprises a multitude of countries but you may not wish to target all of these. Individual countries can be selected making sure that the right audience views your advertisement.

The development team at Traffic Factory has also mastered a GEO-FENCE targeting option. This feature is specifically for local offers and allows an advertiser to select a particular city/ area and create a bounding circle of up to 50km. By setting this option, advertisers will have their campaigns shown to the audience within that particular area. Particularly successful for set- specific promotions where jurisdictions differ from one city/ state to another, this guarantees the advertiser that their promotion will only be viewed by the desired audience within the specific locality promoted. Please note that this option is not automatically setup on all accounts. Please contact your Account Manager to discuss the implementation of this option.


The second targeting option made available deals with the type of device to be targeted. Our publishers’ websites are viewed via a multitude of different Internet capable devices. The three main device types to target are DESKTOP, TABLET and MOBILE. Please note that Traffic Factory also allows the targeting of FEATURE PHONES (Internet capable telephones inferior to smart-phones) This option will not be set in the targeted devices as we do not allow filtering of countries for feature phone. If you are interested in purchasing the entire Traffic Factory feature Phone traffic inventory, please contact your Account Manager for further explanations.

Over time, access to the Internet has evolved purely the use of a desktop computer. The implementation of 4G networks and with Wi-Fi now readily available throughout the world, consumer patterns have changed with a dramatic rise of users accessing content from the comfort of their smart-phones. Current network statistics show the following breakdown of users preference of device types:

Knowing your target audience’s device preference will be imperative to make sure your advertisement is served correctly. It is also important to take into account that devices have different ad spots. Make sure to create the correct creative available for the particular device type! Below is a reminder of Traffic Factory’s ad spot inventory by device.


Precise category targeting is made available to directly target your audience via their choice of content chosen. Broken down into three separate main categories, certain sub-categories are then made available for choice in order to target with pin-point precision the taste of your audience.

By selecting the relevant categories of choice, the advertiser’s campaign(s) will only be made visible to users interested in a particular category of content.


  • Know your target audience! Without knowledge of the habits and internet consumption of your audience, your campaign will go nowhere! Research, revise, question your target audience. The better knowledge you have, the better choice of the right target filters will become apparent.
  • Test different devices! Indeed, a majority of users are accessing the internet via the use of their smart-phones (80% here at Traffic Factory) But this does not mean that you should solely target these devices! Research the habits of different demographics. Your promotion may be more suitable for the user accustomed to desktop or tablet usage from the comfort of their homes. Put yourself in their shoes (Not literally!) Think logically!
  • Select precise target filter combinations! Be as precise as possible with your selection. The more concise a filter, the better chance of conversion of your offer as your campaign will be seen by your ideal audience.